Point Solutions Reston Reviews 7 Habits of Highly Effective Millennials


As a millennial with integrity and maturity, you understand that in order to succeed, it’s not necessary for another to fail.  You seek out situations that are not only best for yourself, but best for the other person as well.  You have an abundance mentality, and don’t need to hoard the pie, because there is enough for everyone to have a piece.

Let’s take a scenario that many millennials are faced with:  You’re passionate about your career.  You’ve found something you love, that you excel at, that has long term potential.  You start putting in long hours at the office, staying later than usual, and even working on the weekends.  You’re excited about the progress you’re making, but your significant other starts complaining that he or she “never sees you anymore.”

As an effective millennial, here’s how you might handle the situation by thinking “win win”:

Integrity:  You stick with your true feelings, values and commitments.  You’re not about to change your career path because your significant other is upset about your long hours.  You’ve made a commitment to yourself and others that you will do what it takes to succeed on your current path.  You take the time to explain to your significant other that your career is extremely important to you, and you explain the reason for the long hours.

Point Solutions RestonMaturity:  You express your ideas and feelings with courage and consideration for the ideas and feelings of others.  As you state your case to your significant other, you don’t make him feel bad that he wants to spend time with you.  You acknowledge and appreciate his perspective, demonstrate empathy, and explain your point of view with kindness and patience.

Abundance Mentality:  You believe there is plenty for everyone.  There’s plenty of me to go around!  Let’s think win-win.  First of all, when I am successful in my career, this will allow us to ultimately live a happier life together in the future.  Secondly, in the interim, why don’t we plan a couple of nights a week to have some special time together, even in the midst of my busy schedule.  Now that’s win-win!

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