

Bio: Point Solutions Inc | 1930 Isaac Newton Sq Suite 240 Reston VA 20190 | 571-375-0097 | hr@pointsolutionsdc.com | Point Solutions is a leading provider of outsourced, face-to-face marketing services in the DC/Northern Virginia area. Our specialty is in customer acquisition and long-term retention. Fortune 500 companies hire us to market their products and services to customers who have been unattainable through traditional methods of marketing, such as television commercials and billboard advertisements. Through one-on-one conversations, genuine relationship-building, and personalized presentations, we are able to create a customer experience that is unlike any “one-size-fits-all” marketing plan that a big business could successfully operate. Our business-to-consumer sales campaigns are immediate, widespread, and produce tangible results. We attribute our success to a high-performing entrepreneurial-minded team of professionals. Through our unique organizational structure, all employees of Point Solutions are enrolled in a management training program, which dictates their various roles and responsibilities in regard to the respective client. A merit-based advancement structure provides the incentive to produce results for our clients at the highest, most competitive level. An individual who successfully advances through the management training process has the opportunity to take on a management role and run his or her own office.

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